Opening the Cabin!

Is it lonely in a bookshop without customers?

Well, yes. A bit. But on the other hand there is plenty to distract us: Sections to shift and organise; research to be done; databases to be updated; chickens to spoil . . .

Amid the ongoing online confusion (our poor distributors have been open . . . then closed . . . and now partly kind-of-sort-of open again-ish), it is very satisfying to work with physical things. Seeing bookcases filled and orderly is no small delight. Knowing they will stay that way for some time to come modifies the pleasure a bit.

We’ve put in a couple of hours in our new cabin, filling shelves. It looks splendid - clean and fresh and alluring; our Italian bookcase chairs will be a great place to perch in coming months! We like it so much we’ve taken down the paper covering the front window, so everyone can peer through our gate and see what is waiting for them.

And we’ve not neglected the hens. With a new fence in place we can let them out of their spacious home, to roam the yard. And sometimes join us while we work in the barn. Spoiled!? Who said that?