Rooms of Their Own


Rooms of Their Own


Nina Strachey explores Bloomsbury Group interiors with lavish colour photographs and text that offers lots of fascinating information as well as entertainment . . .

Generously illustrated, this new book focuses on aspects of the Bloomsbury Group beyond the walls of the well-known Sussex Charleston Farmhouse that was central to many of their lives. The result is revelatory - a fascinating look at their decorative work and also the extraordinary, convention-challenging lives that it helps reveal.

Linked by an intimate web of relationships, Eddy Sackville-West, Virginia Woolf and Vita Vita Sackville-west created homes in Kent and East Sussex. Each of them was filled with vibrant colours and art in combinations that boldly upset period styles - and helped set a new course for aesthetic sensibilities everywhere.

While Virginia and Eddy favoured the bright colours and bold patterns of Bloomsbury, Vita looked backwards to the Elizabethan age, filling her rooms with the romantic relics of past lovers. All of them pushed the boundries of what was considered good taste, and together they changed the way we all live.

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